Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sea Shell Collection - Trash to Treasure

Original Artwork
 This project started out as a way to display my seashell collection. I collected sea shells on many of my favorite childhood vacations and I was tired of having them sit in a box. 
Everything I used was laying around the house or left over from other projects. Someone gave us a broken dresser, so I painted the front of the drawers blue and used them as a base for my creation. I hot glued the shells on along with some other treasures. I attached the boards to another piece of wood covered in fabric. (warning - all of the wood makes it very heavy). I made some clouds out of cotton balls.
Then I made the quote to go with it using foam board, scrapbook paper and more fabric.
I hot glued pop tabs (actually V8 tabs) and pipe cleaner to hang up the foam board. 
Super cheap!
 I decided I needed a sand castle to go with my sea shells so I hot glued some sand onto foam board. I'm sure there's a better way to attach sand... (I wouldn't recommend the hot glue...)
There's a YW medallion on my castle and a Return with Honor charm. A geode is the door.
There's a chain-mail flower from my little brother and an itty bitty box from my stocking one year.

 There are a few coins from foreign countries, flattened pennies, and a shrinky dink kimono pin I made in elementary school among other random treasures I could never use.